The revised NPPF arrived at the end of 2024 and we have put together a few thoughts on the implications of the vision led approach put forward….
Crown Gardens, Woking
Wandle House, Mitcham
We are delighted to have supported our client SINTL Ltd in obtaining planning permission for a residential development at the Grade 2 Listed Wandle House site on Riverside Drive in Mitcham. The scheme involves the conversion and extension of the former office building into 25 residential units with eleven car parking spaces and associated landscaping.
As well as providing design advice on the proposed site access arrangements, car parking and servicing/deliveries, Pulsar prepared a Transport Statement (including a robust car parking justification) and a Travel Plan to accompany the planning application. Pulsar also provided advice on aspects of the Section 106 Agreement.
The scheme was granted planning permission and Listed Building Consent by the London Borough of Merton on the 25th October 2024.