Strayfield Road, Enfield

Pulsar has assisted Lansdown in obtaining resolution to grant for an outline planning permission on a residential led scheme in the London Borough of Enfield (LBE).

The existing site mainly comprises a series of garden nursery buildings in the Clay Hill area of the borough. The proposed scheme would involve 58 houses, 5 live-work units and flexible office space, served from a new access on Strayfield Road.  Pulsar were instrumental in demonstrating that the proposed scheme would be accessible, and sustainably located through the provision of a new footway linking the site to a set of upgraded bus stops.

Pulsar liaised with Transport for London in relation to the public transport connectivity of the site, and prepared plans showing the agreed bus stop improvements.  Similarly, Pulsar prepared a pedestrian improvement plan that was accepted by LBE following various discussions.  
Pulsar supported the planning application by also preparing a Transport Statement and Travel Plan.