Pulsar were delighted to have provided transport advice to Capital Homes leading to a planning permission on a fantastic gateway scheme on Crown Lane in Morden, within the London Borough of Merton (LBM).
The site, on the corner of Crown Lane and Windermere Avenue, is currently occupied by three no. two storey units with commercial at ground floor and residential use on the floors above.
Pulsar were engaged in the first half of 2021 to initially provide feasibility advice for a mixed-use residential-led scheme, which was subsequently changed to a hotel scheme. A key input in the process was the review of parking, servicing and delivery requirements. As a result, several pre-application discussions were held with LBM Highways, as well as Transport for London (TfL) given that Crown Lane is part of the Red Route Network.
As part of the evidence base, surveys of the nearby loading bays and local disabled bays were undertaken to understand their capacity to cater for any potential additional demand. Opportunities for improvements to the public realm including provision of additional short-stay cycle parking on Crown Lane were explored.
The eventual scheme includes a seven storey building accommodating an 85 bed hotel. The scheme also incorporates two blue badge spaces to the rear of the building, accessed via an existing access on Windermere Avenue.
A planning application was submitted in October 2023 and Pulsar prepared the relevant transport documents including a Transport Statement incorporating an Active Travel Zone (ATZ) Assessment, a Travel Plan Statement, a Delivery & Servicing Plan and an Outline Construction Logistics Plan.
Pulsar also provided additional input to the Section 106 Agreement, and we were thrilled for our client that planning consent was obtained in September 2024.