Pulsar assisted Watkin Jones Group with their proposals for a mixed-use development on a gateway site within Woking town centre. The scheme involves the replacement of the dated HG Wells Centre with a 28-storey development containing 366 residential units, c.1000 sqm of commercial space and new community facilities.
The site is located in a highly accessible location, within easy walking distance of Woking railway station and numerous bus facilities. The development proposals also consists of new public realm, a basement car park containing 55 spaces, 380 cycle spaces and a new layby for deliveries and servicing.
Pulsar provided transport and highways advice throughout the planning application process, and liaised with Surrey County Council (the highway authority) in pre-application discussions. The application was submitted in November 2019; and Pulsar prepared the Transport Statement and Travel Plans that accompanied the application. The highways elements of the scheme were agreed with the highway authority.